PMS Hotel: What is it and the Synergy with the Channel Manager

PMS Hotel: What is it and the Synergy with the Channel Manager In the fast-paced world of the hospitality industry, managing a hotel efficiently is no small feat. To meet the ever-evolving demands of guests, hoteliers are turning to modern technology solutions. In this article, we'll delve into the world of [...]

2023-09-12T13:30:25+01:00By |0 Comments

Boost Your Bookings with Package Rates on Expedia Group

Boost Your Bookings with Packages on Expedia Group Are you looking for new ways to attract more travelers and increase your bookings? Expedia Group Package Deals are all-in-one booking options that combine at least two of the three major travel products: flights, lodging, and car rentals. By bundling these elements [...]

2023-09-04T09:26:35+01:00By |0 Comments

Summer 2023 Hospitality Trends. Personalization and Sustainability

Summer 2023 Hospitality Trends. Personalization and Sustainability in the Forefront The high season in the northern hemisphere is coming to an end and we want to conclude it by analyzing the main trends of the hospitality sector in the summer of 2023. The hotel market is constantly evolving and the [...]

2023-08-29T09:19:07+01:00By |0 Comments

Improve the quality of your listing content in Airbnb with 2 new tools

Offer Quality Content and Get Positive Reviews in Airbnb with two new tools When it comes to promoting an accommodation on Airbnb, the quality of the listing content plays a key role in securing positive reviews from guests and the resulting increase in bookings. However, it is not enough just [...]

2023-07-28T15:08:45+01:00By |0 Comments

RoomCloud Now Available on Oracle Cloud Marketplace

RoomCloud Now Available on Oracle Cloud Marketplace Milan, 04/04/2023 – Tecnes Milano Srl, owner of RoomCloud Channel Manager, a leading provider of online distribution and a member of Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN), today announced that RoomCloud is available on Oracle Cloud Marketplace and can be integrated with Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud). [...]

2023-04-05T11:59:01+01:00By |0 Comments

How ChatGPT can benefit hotels and vacation rentals

Transforming the Hospitality Industry: The benefits of ChatGPT for hotels and vacation rentals What is ChatGPT and how is revolutionizing the hospitality industry ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that can understand natural language and respond to guest inquiries and requests in real time. It can also offer personalized recommendations and [...]

2024-05-27T11:42:52+01:00By |0 Comments

Channel Manager for hotels. Maximize your Online Distribution

Optimize Distribution with OTA Management | Streamline Bookings with a Channel Manager for hotels A Channel Manager is a software solution that enables hotels to centralize and streamline their online distribution. With a Channel Manager, hotels can synchronize rates and inventory across multiple online travel agencies (OTA) like, Airbnb, [...]

2023-02-14T10:02:31+01:00By |0 Comments

How to increase bookings on Airbnb thanks to reviews

How to increase bookings on Airbnb thanks to reviews Reviews are essential for receiving bookings and thus increasing earnings on Airbnb. Indeed, the essential step to obtaining a reservation is to win the trust of the potential guest thanks to an impeccable reputation. To do this, the best way is [...]

2023-01-23T10:05:55+01:00By |Comments Off on How to increase bookings on Airbnb thanks to reviews

Propose the most profitable prices with revenue management

Propose the most profitable prices with hotel revenue management Understanding the theme of hotel revenue management represents the first step in applying the most performing strategies, capable of increasing the turnover of your accommodation facility. Let's get started right away. What is revenue management? Revenue management is a component of [...]

2023-01-17T14:14:37+01:00By |0 Comments
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